TopoFlag – PRIN 2022 – PH852L(PE3)
Non reciprocal supercurrent and topological transitions in hybrid Nb-InSb nanoflags

Due to its large spin-orbit coupling, InSb is a promising candidate material both for spintronics and for topological superconductivity. Josephson junctions based on InSb semiconductor nanowires with superconducting contacts were shown to allow for ballistic superconductivity in a wide range of temperature and applied magnetic field.
TOPOFLAG aims at investigating a new generation of devices based on planar Josephson junctions with novel InSb nanoflags.
Exploiting the strong spin orbit coupling of InSb and the versatile planar geometry of hybrid InSb-nanoflag Josephson junctions, in this project we plan to unveil peculiar phenomena in a new generation of superconductor/semiconductor devices.
For instance, due to the simultaneous breaking of time-reversal and inversion symmetry under the action of an external magnetic field the first goal of this project is to demonstrate, and to characterize, a supercurrent diode effect in InSb nanoflag-based JJs. A joint experimental and theoretical collaboration will address the microscopic mechanisms responsible for non-reciprocal dissipationless transport, which will open a new perspective in superconducting electronics.
Additionally, InSb nanoflag-based JJs are a promising candidate for the emergence of non-trivial bound states. Within this project, we plan to address this issue, inspecting both DC transport characterization and new methods beyond conventional transport measurements.
Funded by the European community – Next Generation EU (programme “PNRR)